通道分组 同步操作
- 将处于同一温箱内的通道分组进行测试
- 同步管理同一温箱内的多个通道
- 在分组的通道中保持温度的一致性要求

- 将一个实验中的多个通道作为一个组进行管理
- Insert a “Pause” step to hold channels until all grouped channels complete the test step
Synchronize Channels with the
Pause->T_Chamber Step Type
The temperature chambers supported by Arbin can hold multiple batteries inside each chamber, each assigned to its own channel. To ensure that temperature requirements are the same for all batteries in a chamber, testing must be synchronized for the batteries and channels.
When the Pause->T_Chamber Step is added to a test schedule, any IV channel that reaches this Step will wait here until all of the channels in the same chamber reach that Step. From there, the grouped channels will proceed to the next Step together.

Automated, Logical Temperature Control within Temperature Chambers
Group Management Channel Synchronization also lends automated logic to temperature control within a temperature chamber.
When multiple IV channels in the same group are under test, the chamber temperature is set by the IV channel with the lowest ID value.
This automated control avoids conflicting temperature requirements and does not require any additional configuration after Group Management Channel Synchronization is implemented.
Enhance Your Battery Testing Process with Group Management Channel Synchronization