Arbin recently showcased our new technology at the ARPA-E meeting, where Dr. Ellen Williams, the Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), stopped by our booth to discuss the status of the project. Dr. Williams congratulated Arbin on the commercialization of the Precision Power Battery Tester and is excited to hear the impact of our new equipment on the market. A brief summary of our project with Ford Motor Company and Sandia National Lab can be found on the ARPA-E网站.
2015年底标志着Arbin仪器公司、福特汽车公司和桑迪亚国家实验室为期三年的ARPA-E项目的完成。 Arbin成功地完成了这个项目的目标,创建了一个新的测试系统,能够在200A的条件下以50ppm的精度进行库仑效率测量,这将大大缩短测试电池和评估新电池材料的开发周期。 这些超高精度的测试器可以使用。
Derived from this project, Arbin’s new Precision series of equipment also incorporates much of the technology developed during this time and is replacing our BT2000 generation of testers. Multiple tiers of specifications are available since not all applications demand the ultra-high precision coulombic efficiency measurements. However, even standard systems are a significant technical leap above the old industry standards.
Pictured Above: Arbin’s VP of Sales, Antony Parulian, & the Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy, Dr. Ellen Williams, discussing Arbin’s project at the recent ARPA-E Meeting