Healthcare entities need to find ways to handle increased demand and the need for effective telemedicine, the United Nations predicts a potential $2-trillion dip in the world’s economy as a result of the pandemic, and industries the world over need to find agile solutions to address this strain.
However, one aspect of these plans of attack remains consistent – batteries.
Batteries help the world’s major players and industries address the challenges brought about by COVID-19 and other pandemics in three key ways, including:
- 让远程工作不仅是可能的,而且是富有成效的
As distancing recommendations and remote work requirements continue to rise in an effort to combat the virus’s spread, remote capabilities need to provide an avenue toward respecting these regulations without a significant dip in productivity.These work from home efforts, which are driving every industry from education to healthcare during this pandemic, are powered by devices and critical networks that make them possible.And, in turn, these assets are driven by batteries.电池确保这些远程举措为成功做好准备,提供用户可以依赖的可靠性和依赖性,特别是随着需求的增加在网络层面。
- 帮助医疗行业应对不断增长的需求
除了供应链方面的问题和压力外,医疗服务提供者正被迫考虑需求激增、潜在的远程医疗解决方案等问题。这些远程医疗解决方案与上述远程举措携手并进,但更关键的是医院和医生为应对预计在未来几个月进入系统的大量患者所做的努力。使这种反应成为可能的关键设备由电池驱动,再次强调了它们在支持应对和遏制COVID-19的连锁反应的整体努力中的作用。 - 将全球各地的人与关键信息联系起来
Perhaps no commodity is more valuable during pandemics like COVID-19 than information.In today’s interconnected society, the spread of critical information is more possible than ever before – but not without the infrastructure to support this dissemination.Enter batteries. Batteries help power the global network that delivers key insights and directives to every corner of every industry, helping unite the world’s efforts to meet the challenges presented by COVID-19 head on. Learn more about Arbin’s role in ensuring batteries carry the load they need to in times of uncertainty
Learn more about Arbin’s role in ensuring batteries carry the load they need to in times of uncertainty