大多数 所有 electrochemical experiments and battery tests provide greater understanding of the cell when the anode and cathode results can be decoupled through use of a reference electrode. This extends to what are traditionally considered “industrial” applications as well. The dynamic charge-discharge profiles and fast charge simulations associated with commercial devices and electric vehicles can draw unique performance from a battery compared to low-rate constant current cycling.
三电极测试也有利于评估电池的安全性。 Minter和Juarez-Robles强调了快速充电,这是电动汽车高度追求的特性,创造了检测和监测电池阳极上发生的锂电镀的巨大需求。 [Minter RD, Juarez-Robles D, et al 2018 J Vis Exp., (135):57735.] 这可以在测试中使用三电极电池来实现。
电池研究的一个基本目标是开发持久的电池。 这对电动汽车和电网存储应用尤其重要,因为商业电池和电池组必须持续数千次循环和长达10年。 三电极测试使研究人员能够确定其电池中的限制因素,从而将注意力集中在最需要改进的地方。
- 在HPPC测试中,常见的是 电动汽车应用,使用参比电极揭示了电极的极化。
- 进行EIS显示,当利用三电极电池时,来自阳极和阴极的去耦阻抗是单独的。
- 当证明SEI增长导致的锂损失是一个主要的老化机制时,阳极和阴极的单独贡献被揭示出来。
- 差异容量分析可以揭示阳极和阴极电压曲线的变化,以及它们是如何单独导致电池退化的。
Comparing results from a new three-electrode experiment to other published results needs to keep as many variables consistent as possible, such as electrode size, material amount, cell uniformity, etc., or else attempt to normalize results. This is a principal reason why traditional cell types are modified to incorporate a reference electrode as “homemade” cell, so results are easier to compare with minimal normalization. Researchers wish to demonstrate and compare their results to existing two-electrode data of the same cell type (cylindrical, pouch, coin). However, since most battery material work is conducted using coincells, this is the natural choice for three-electrode experiments to compare the new results with the vast amount of tradition two-electrode data in publication. The new experimental data will decouple the anode and cathode and provide new insights.
其他商业化的三电极电池,如世伟洛克式的或分体式的电池设计,成本高,实施和规模都不实际,而且有时建造和使用会很复杂。 在与传统的电池格式(硬币、圆柱形、袋装等)进行比较时,这些类型的电池的测试结果也必须进行标准化。
Arbin’s three-electrode test cell configuration and its benefits
The novel “3E” coincell has the same surface area as a traditional CR2032 coincell and makes it ideal for comparing results across all published coincell data. It provides users with the ability to rapidly prototype new materials by performing large-scale three electrode testing. Traditional methods have proven too expensive and provided inconsistent results. Arbin的新型3E Coin Cell为用户提供了一种经济实惠、易于使用的三电极细胞支架,可以进行长期循环,并在不同的样品之间提供一致的结果。 The low unit cost, disposable design, and easy-to-build coin cell structure allows users to quickly build a large number of cells for materials research testing. The 3E Coin Cell interfaces with Arbin’s 3E Coin Cell Holder, and connects directly with our MSTAT product series
Arbin’s latest generation of LBT and MSTAT high-precision battery test equipment has attracted attention from both academic and industry researchers due to its ability to also expedite the battery development process. 24-bit resolution, extreme precision, and state-of-the-art thermal management that are standard with Arbin produce more detailed and consistent results than other battery testers. This has led multiple industry partners to team up with Arbin on collaborative projects including ARPA-E grants. General Motors has permitted Arbin to license and commercialize a new three-electrode cell design that can further enhance and accelerate their battery testing program.